Kids get sick. I get that. Actually, I’m pretty open to the idea that kids need germs to build immune systems. I’m not crazy with the Purell (especially since Hayden ate it and I had to call Poison Control) and I have no problem having my little girl run free and touch whatever she wants… within reason. I’ve been pretty lucky that she hasn’t gotten that many colds or any flu’s- ear infections… etc. This week all of that changed.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever vented before about our pediatricians office. I mean, it’s an awesome place. It’s big, has an emergency center, and tons of state of the art equipment. What it doesn’t seem to have is a lot of bedside manner. Something this first time Mommy really needed to help get through Hayden’s colic spell as a baby. I’ve had problems with the practice from the start. It felt a bit cold, kind of like an institution focused on getting the most clients and collecting the most money more than a place to help keep your baby healthy. I had been pondering leaving since Hayden was a month old. I liked my doctor though. And she knew Hayden from the day she was born. That meant a lot to me. So, I stuck it out. One time, Hayden had an allergic reaction to her vaccine and I called the afterhour’s line to see what I should do. As I sat in worry for an hour waiting for a call back, I kicked myself for not noticing the large blisters on her legs sooner. Finally the phone rang and I jumped to get it. The advice? Take her in to the office tomorrow to see a doctor or if I’m really worried take her to the Emergency Room at our local hospital. She didn’t ask how old my daughter was, no question about what vaccine it was, nothing. Imagine my surprise when I received a bill for $22 for that advice. Oh, and after the call I did the research. It’s a reaction some children have when two of the vaccines are combined. It’s common and I had no reason to worry. I was told to go to the ER.
Anyway, last week we received a letter from the practice stating that my doctor was leaving. I was initially upset that my dream of Hayden’s doctor knowing her from the day of her birth was about to disappear, but realized that this was my chance to finally go elsewhere and pick a place that was a little warmer. I sent an e-mail to friends asking for suggestions and had a few lined up to call.
Then, Hayden got sick. I mean, really sick. She passed out and her face was so hot I thought she would burn my hand. I figured maybe it was more molars but had a feeling this was different. She wouldn’t eat, couldn’t drink and was incredibly lethargic. I tried to give her some Motrin (my secret stash that I was keeping for this kind of emergency- no way I was going generic, recall or no-recall) and she started vomiting. Lots of vomit. More than I vomit when I’m sick. I freaked. I haven’t seen her throw up like this, well, ever. My sister and I jumped in my car and I rushed to the pediatrician office. I didn’t know where to go so of course, I went where I knew. I was told that walk-ins were running about an hour. We took our seat in the corner while Hayden bawled her eyes out. In their defense, they did give me a bucket for her to puke in. I guess the screaming and wailing was too much for them because they called our name within 30 minutes. Hayden continued to scream while they weighed her and I clutched her while they took her temperature. 103.3- Imagine what it was before I gave her the Motrin. Doctor came in and examined her for what seemed like forever. She didn’t have strep throat, but had while ulcers all over the inside of her mouth. Finally, Hayden passed out in sheer exhaustion. I was getting nervous because she never falls asleep in my arms. Never. I was told to bring her back tomorrow. We left, two hours later. No answers.
As told, I returned the next morning with a little girl who was still miserable and still had a high fever. We saw a second doctor who simply said it was just a virus. Had to keep her hydrated, it had to run its course. We left and I had a feeling that there was more to this. Could it be possible that my little diva just had a little virus? For the love of God, she had a fever over 103 for almost 72 hours at that point. So, I turned to the only person I really trust when I need information quickly and accurately. Google. Sometimes I think I should send my co-pays to WebMd and Google instead of the pediatricians. After an hour of reading, I knew that Hayden had hand, foot and mouth disease, aka Coxsackie. I prepared myself and of course, yesterday blisters started showing up all over her body, around her mouth, on her tush, on her hands and of course, on the soles of her feet.
All I want to know is how do you see two different doctors who thoroughly examine your child and both claim it’s a simple virus and both are wrong? I mean, yes, coxsackie is virus but can you imagine the scare I would have had if I didn’t research and I went to pick her up out of her crib covered in blisters and I didn’t know why?!
So, that’s my vent. Here’s the problem- If I leave the practice, I leave all the amazing technology they have available, the convenience of location and the comfort of knowing what I’m involved in… even if not always good. I’m afraid that if I go to a smaller practice it may be the same thing… without the technology. Oh, and since I’m crazy, I only want a female pediatrician for my daughter because I want her to grow up knowing she can be anything she wants to be- even a doctor. (and I had a male pediatrician growing up and I always hated when he examined me. Not that he was creepy or anything, just felt weird as a little girl)-
It’s really always something, isn’t it?
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