Here we go again…
This Sunday is Hayden’s rescheduled first birthday party. Ironically, she will be turning 15 months old on Sunday. I have a lot of pent up anxiety about this party. After the disappointment of the first time around, I’m cautious to get too excited. For those of you that don’t recall what happened, Hayden’s original party was the weekend of the huge storm that hit our area. Long story short- Stepping Stones Children’s Museum loses power, I am forced to cancel party, I call all attendees (all 140 of them) to let them know and bring the 500 cupcakes I made to the homeless shelter. Sigh.
The next available date that Stepping Stones could reschedule our party was for this Sunday. I pushed this party to the bottom of my “things to do” because it seemed so far off, but now it’s this Sunday. A lot of people can’t make it this time and I honestly have no idea how many people are coming. Whatever. It’s supposed to thunderstorm on Sunday- What are the chances we’ll have to cancel the party twice? Sorry- I’m being a Negative Nelly. What is awesome is that I’ve encountered the kindest people while rescheduling this party. I had a dress made for Hayden on and the woman who created it altered it into a summer dress for her new party… free of charge. Taylor Rental rescheduled my table and chair delivery at 50% off. Pongo the Clown rescheduled the date without any issue or penalty. Cake Suite in Westport gave me 10% off the new cake. Costco didn’t do anything, but then again, I didn’t expect anything … Oh, and my father is re-making all the food. But then again, Hayden is his princess. As for me, I thought about screwing the cupcakes, the centerpieces, and the balloons… but I knew that if I cut corners the second time, I would never forgive myself. But on the positive side, many of my amazing girlfriends are scheduled to be at my house at 3 pm. today to start baking. I’m getting the wine, of course.
Seems the only thing we didn’t have to buy again was the beer and wine… but turns out it has all disappeared over the last three months. I have no idea where it has all gone-
Oh yeah, one more thing- Hayden’s walking. Finally. I know they say that every child is different and you shouldn’t judge or compare, but if you’re anything like me, you do. I was borderline obsessed with why she wasn’t walking yet. I began to wonder if it had to do with her head being too big, her legs too chunky, her hair in her face, being carried too often, wrong shoes, maybe I should have used a walker… but at the end of the day, she just wasn’t ready. This past weekend we were at our Parent Groups annual BBQ and she just picked up and walked. She walks well too. We call her our “professional walker” now. She’s so sure of herself. Kind of like a drunken sailor but much cuter.
Wish me luck this weekend… I’ll probably need it.
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