Language and Hair
Hayden’s hair is totally out of control. She looks like a Jonas brother. Possibly Justin Bieber on a really bad day. She was born with a full head of black hair. I mean, she had A LOT of hair. Finally it started to thin out a bit, but then it quickly grew back with a vengeance. I have a small problem with cutting her hair. It stems from my own childhood. When my Mom would work, my Italian grandparents would watch me. My Mom had great pride is my blonde wavy locks. One day, she went to pick me up after work and my grandfather had literally given me a bowl cut. At the ripe old age of 1. She must have told me the story of how hard she cried a million times. It was incredibly traumatic for her. She thought everyone would think I was a boy. (Keep in mind, I had my ears pierced at 3 weeks old- but apparently I still resembled a little boy)
So, every morning when I go over to grab Hayden out of her crib and I see her trying to remove the hair from her face, I wonder if this will be the day that I give in and get her a haircut. I consulted with my hairdresser who has been cutting my hair since I was 8 and she was just a teenager- her advice, trim, don’t cut. And most importantly, don’t do it myself, bring Hayden to her. I’m figuring she has two young girls (2 and 3 years old) so she probably knows what to do. Yet, at 16 months old, I still haven’t done it. I’m just so afraid she’s going to have think ugly bangs. I constantly have to tie her hair back with clips and elastics. Augh. I just don’t know what to do.
On another note, Hayden’s language skills are progressing which is cool. I’m starting to wonder though, am I the only one who understands her? I remember when I was babyless (ah, those were the days) and I would have a child come up to me and mumble something totally foreign. I would look puzzled and the mother would like at me like I was some sort of idiot and say “She said that she likes your shoes”. I figured that most mothers were so delusional at that point that they disillusioned themselves to believe that they could understand their kids strange ramblings. I would smile and say “Of course she did”- But I think I actually do understand her. I mean, she call’s blueberries “B’s” and call’s most animals “fishee’s” and everyone smaller than her is a “beebee” but I get it. And I’m totally not delusional. Well, I don’t think I am…
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