Poor Kid
Last week, I talked a bit about the horrible mood Hayden had been in. The day after that post didn’t go much easier. I had a few parents send me e-mails offering reasons why she wouldn’t snap out of her funk- there was a flu going around- she’s not used to the heat- she hates you… (NOT funny, by the way)- I quickly realized a couple nights later, as I swayed her in my rocking chair and she screamed, that there were a few pearly whites popping out. This may not come to a surprise to many of you but for me, it’s a pretty big deal. Hayden is a late teether. She didn’t get her first tooth until 9 and half months and then didn’t get a second until she was almost a year. She had 5 total until this past week when she popped FIVE molars! MOLARS!! She’s still missing a bunch of teeth in the front of her mouth but she’s getting molars?! I was shocked. More importantly, I felt like the worst mom in the world for being so incredibly annoyed with her while she was going through this pain.
In addition to be the meanest Mommy ever, I instilled a new fear into her. Stew Leonards. I was under the impression that Stew Leonards was the coolest place on earth. I mean, you get to go grocery shopping and it’s kind of like being on a ride at Disney World. Singing farm animals everywhere- samples of food- and to top it all off; you get to get ice cream and go see the animals when you’re done. Lately, Hayden has becoming scared of a lot of things. I can’t figure out where these fears stem from. I made the huge mistake of pushing the button at Stew’s so the cow would moo- she literally jumped out of the cart seat and I had to carry her through the rest of the store while she was shaking in fear. Who’s afraid of a plastic moo’ing cow? My kid is.
So, once we made our way through the store, I put the grocery’s away, took my receipt over to the ice cream area (fyi- if you spend more than $100 on grocery’s you get a free ice cream cone) and got us ice cream. I figured seeing the goats would be somewhat interesting. No, again, I was wrong. Apparently she hates farm animals. Shockingly, she did enjoy the ice cream. I guess she is a lot like her mother.
She’s still gnawing on everything and I live for the Hylands teething tablets. It seems to be getting a little better. She is still speaking a ton of Spinese (her language… it’s a cross between Spanish and Chinese) but she’s using a ton of real words now too. I think that’s so cool. Paul and I took her Calf Pasture Beach yesterday to go for a walk and she kept saying “ball”. I repeatedly told her that there was no ball. Finally she points off into the distance and sure enough there are a bunch of people playing volleyball with a – you guessed it—ball.
Is it bad that whenever she’s misbehaving I threaten her with going to Stew Leonards to see the cow? I mean, I have to leverage her fear for something, right?
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